Kia Ora everyone! Been a long time since I have written a blog! My last trip has taken me to the bottom of the north island to the capital city in New Zealand, Wellington. It is known to be one of the places with the most wind in all of NZ and in the world. It was great weather for the most part. I got to go to the parliament building while I was there and do a tour around to see where the Prime Minister of NZ does a lot of stuff. We saw places such as where he entertains queens, kings, other prime ministers, and presidents. I also got to visit Te Papa museum which is the national museum for New Zealand. Nina and I were lucky enough to be there the week they opened up the new piece of it which is the part that holds the colossal squid. It weights in at a shocking 495kgs which equals 1091 pounds. It was found and frozen in Antarctica. It was something pretty cool to see. While in Wellington, I also got to meet up with my mates Jane and Alexis who flew over on the same plane as I did and who will fly back on the same plane with me. Jane is from New York State and Alexis is from Phoenix, Arizona. We had a great time hanging out! Nina and I had nothing to do one night so we decided to go to a football game (soccer) and watch that along with 2 other mates, 1 being from my exchange chapter. The 4 of us greatly enjoyed the game and it was nice to actually attend a NZ sporting event. Jane, Alexis, and I also managed to get to one of the many Burger Wisconsin's which are in Wellington and in other parts of the country. It is home of the best burgers in the world! The burgers were great so if you make it to NZ, go to a Burger Wisconsin!
Lastly, I would just like to send out a big thanks to everyone that has been keeping up with the New Zealand Adventure! I hope everyone has enjoyed my posts and has been coming back often to make sure I am still kick’n! I hope everyone has a very good holiday season and a Merry Christmas! This will however be the last blog I write. My journey is going to come to an end before I know it. However, the dates of my arrival are still undecided. (My parents don’t even know when I am coming home! haha). The next few things I am doing while still in NZ are having Christmas with family and then it will no doubt be New Years. Then I will spend my remaining extra weeks finishing off what I wanted to achieve while being here. I would like to send out a big thanks as well to some of the people who have made this trip possible for me and this much fun! The following people/places deserve great thanks- Ron and Geney Johnson, Steen Construction, Diane and Ken Hendricks along with ABC Supply Co., The Schwerke Family, Mark and Donna Steen, Hong Construction, the Colby's, my parents and other Pettis Family, and all the other people who donated to help make this trip as much fun as it has been. I will be posting Christmas photos on the blog but there will be no written information. Check back to see pictures!
Big thanks to Tom and Pat Morgan for hosting me too! Could not have been possible without them! They are great beyond belief!
Once again, THANK YOU and have a wonderful Christmas. See you all mid-late January! Cheers.
Josh Pettis
Pictures below include:
Me and Alexis and Burger Wisconsin
Me with mates at the footy game
Me and Felicity (the lady Nina and I stayed with)
The Parliament building
The Squid