Hope everyone is doing well. As you all are probably aware, my brother Chris got married last weekend in Hahei just above the beach. It was a great wedding and we were blessed to have scorching hot weather. It was on Saturday and the weather was around 85-90 degrees. I got to meet several people that were either family or friends of the family. Because my mum Pat has most of her family living in Australia, I got to meet several of her side of the family which I enjoyed greatly. During the wedding, I was asked to video tape as much as I could and take photos of it as well. I managed to take lots of video and many pictures. I later put all the video into DVD’s to give to close friends and family to have as a gift.
My mum (in the states) has been asking me, “When are you writing a blog? When are you writing a blog? Have you written it yet? Yet?.” I figure I probably should write one now so you all know that I am doing fine (haha). I am currently in the countries capital, Wellington, on a small getaway trip. I will be sure to write another blog when I return back to my small town up north with many pictures and stories to share. I hope everyone is doing great! Check back late next week for a blog on my trip to Wellington. Cheers!
Picture 1- My Mum and I Dancing
Picture 2- My sister Shelly and I
Picture 3- Me and my sister-in-law Tracey and my brother Chris :)

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